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WOD – Wed, Feb 21


Today we visit 16.4. This is a beauty of a chipper that leaves no where to hide. If you like a movement, it likely appears in some way, if you hate a movement, it equally appears in some kind of way! This is a beaty of CrossFit. The key here is to scale to a deadlift load that you could do 12-15 unbroken if asked so that you don’t dig into to much of a deficit to start this thing!

Warm up (Checkmark)

3:00 Row or Bike build intensity as time passes


5 Cat Cow

15 Banded good morning

10 Spider man + Twist

10 Scorpion

2 rounds


5 Medball Squat

5 Wallball shots

10 Single arm KB Deadlift each arm (moderate load)

5 Single arm Turkish sit up each side (not get up)

10 KB American swings (same load as above 2 movements)

2 rounds


Deadlift (Build to a heavy set of 3 touch and go deadlift today!
12:00 minute window to establish this after warm up!


16.4 (AMRAP – Reps)



AMRAP in 13 minutes

55 Deadlifts (225/155 lb)

55 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lb) (10/9ft.)

55 calorie Row

55 Handstand Push-Ups



AMRAP in 13 minutes

55 Deadlifts (185/125 lb)

55 Wall Ball Shots (14/10 lb) (10/9ft.)

55 calorie Row

55 Handstand Push-Ups (with abmat)



AMRAP in 13 minutes

55 Deadlifts (95/65 lb)

55 Wall Ball Shots (10/6 lb)

35 calorie Row

55 Pike HSPU off box/ floor/ or seated DB strict Press

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3×12 DB Bent over row

Superset with

3×15 GHD hip extension

Rest as needed.