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WOD – Tue, Feb 20


Today we go fast and dirty. This Open test left the taste of “fast exercise” in the mouth of everyone who participated years ago in this. Scale accordingly to allow the weight you choose to be on the side of faster than heavier today. Most open workouts share this sentiment with the fact that it’s better to go too fast than too heavy to reach the desired stimulus for your fitness at large. The strength work is meant to be a primer, like most other days this week. If you feel good, go heavy! Otherwise the goal is to use the Power snatch strength work to prime you so that whatever load you use for the workout feels nice and light!

Warm up (Checkmark)

400m Run


10 Banded or PVC Pass through

5 Snatch Deadlift

5 Snatch pull

5 Muscle Snatch

5 Overhead Squat

5 Hang squat snatch

5 Squat snatch

2 rounds

*All with PVC


10 kipping swings

5 pull up or ring row (strict)

5 Burpee no push up

2 rounds


10:00 of bar muscle up skill and practice

  • Hip to bar swings
  • Delayed hollow/ arch practcie (1st rep of BMU)
  • Jumping BMU Practice
  • Banded BMU practice
Power Snatch (10:00 to build to a heavy power snatch today!
19.4 (Time)


For total time:

3 rounds of:

10 snatches

12 bar-facing burpees

Then, rest 3 minutes before continuing with:

3 rounds of:

10 bar muscle-ups

12 bar-facing burpees


12:00 Time Cap


For total time:

3 rounds of:

10 snatches

12 bar-facing burpees

Then, rest 3 minutes before continuing with:

3 rounds of:

10 Jumping bar muscle up or banded bar muscle up

12 bar-facing burpees



For total time:

3 rounds of:

10 snatches

12 bar-facing burpees

Then, rest 3 minutes before continuing with:

3 rounds of:

10 Pull Up (banded) + 10 Push Up

12 bar-facing burpees


Put your rounds and reps if you get capped!

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3x 12 Seated off knee DB bicep curl

Superset with

3x 15 Banded pull a part

Rest as needed.