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WOD – Sat, Feb 17


Team work makes the dream work. Today is a partner workout as we normally like to pursue but we visit a popular and fun hero workout as we do so. “Holleyman” is fast and with lots of transitions, as we will do 1 full round then tag our partner in to work. The prescribed rounds is up overall but still a touch less than what the RX’d version is for individual pursuit, you’ll end doing 25 rounds of this each in the RX or Intermediate prescriptions. Scale the load to something tough on the power but realize the rest isn’t long before you’ll be up again, so it needs to be something you can approach with a fair amount of confidence.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

100 jumping jacks


20 Mountain climbers

20 Shoulder taps

15 Light plate ground to overhead

10 air squats

3 rounds for quality


Holleyman Together (Time)


50 rounds for time.

5 Wallball Shots (20/14lb.) (10/9ft.)


1 Power Clean (225/155lb.)


50 rounds for time.

5 Wallball Shots (20/14lb.) (10/9ft.)

3 HSPU/ or 5 Pike HSPU/ or 9 Push Up

1 Power Clean (165/115lb.)


40 rounds for time.

5 Wallball Shots (20/14lb.) (10/9ft.)

5 Kneeling push up

1 Power Clean (95/65lb.)

Cool Down (Checkmark)

Overhead DB or KB Tricep extension

3×12 each arm

Dumbbell hammer curl

3×16 (8 each arm)

Rest as needed.