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WOD – Tue, Jan 9


Today’s strength is something more familiar to what we know, the barbell! We will execute this complex and use it as a means to “build to a heavy”. Remember when you see a description like this it means that we don’t start at a load that is clarified as a “working set”. We simply start light, feel great about our form and bar speed and build throughout the sets so that set 6 and 7 are hard and heavy for the day! Posterior problems is much more of a lower body focused conditioning piece to oppose the upper body emphasis yesterday. The key here is for the load to be recognized as one that is on the lighter side to get with the stimulus intended for the training.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

3:00 Bike or 3:00 Row


8 minute amrap

10 Over and back lateral line hops

10 Figure 4 hip pull (

5 Inch worm

10 Walking Lunge

10 Crossover lunge (

5 Squat Jumps (


3 Bar deadlift

3 Muscle Clean

3 Front Squat

3 Squat clean

2 rounds

Bar Complex (Weight)

Strength: “Bar complex”

Every 2:00 x 7 sets

*build to a heavy of this complex through the 7 rounds.

1 Power Clean

1 Squat Clean

3 Front Squat

“Posterior Problems”


18 Deadlift

12 Front Rack Step back lunge (6 each leg)

:30 Wall Sit

6 rounds for time


*The wall sit is accumulated time. The position must be at a 90 degree angle at the knee, back and butt pressed against wall and no hands or arms resting on the knee’s or quads.

“Posterior Problems”


18 Deadlift

12 Front Rack Step back lunge (6 each leg)

:30 Wall Sit

6 rounds for time


*The wall sit is accumulated time. The position must be at a 90 degree angle at the knee, back and butt pressed against wall and no hands or arms resting on the knee’s or quads.

“Posterior Problems”


18 Deadlift

12 Front Rack Step back lunge (6 each leg)

:20 Wall Sit

6 rounds for time


*The wall sit is accumulated time. The position must be at a 90 degree angle at the knee, back and butt pressed against wall and no hands or arms resting on the knee’s or quads. Position can be adjusted to be just above 90 degrees for athletes who struggle with ROM.

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3:00 Bike or Row cool down


2×20 Banded good morning