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WOD – Mon, Jan 8


We are starting the week off with a strength couplet of strict press and strict pull up. The goal is to really build upon some strength endurance in these reps ranges for a period of time to start the new year. These are also the most common rep ranges utilized to stimulate hypertrophy, aka muscle growth. Use all 4 sets as working sets today. Then we get into a pretty memorable open style workout in “shoulder burner”. The key to a workout like this is to stay relaxed, spin the jump rope through your wrists and keep your elbows close to your sides. The goal is to use as little of your shoulders for the jump rope as possible so you can use every ounce of your shoulders and triceps to help support your body in the wall walk.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

1:00 cross body shoulder stretch (each arm)

1:00 overhead tricep stretch (each arm)


1:00 jump rope (any skill)

10 Scap Pull Up

10 Scap push up

10 Kipping Swings

10 Hollow Rocks

3 rounds


*Prep for strength work.

Strength Couplet (4 Rounds for reps)

Strength Couplet:

Execute 1 set of each movement every 3:00 x 4 rounds

Strict press


Superset with

4×10-15 strict pull up

*If you cannot get 10-15 reps unbroken then use a band, but utilize assistance that helps you minimally.

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3×15 Banded face pull


3×10 plank pull through (