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WOD – Sat, Jan 6


You go 1 full round, then your partner goes 1 full round. If you need to select 2 different loads, 1 for the each of you, that works! Execute all 5 deadlifts on your right or left arm then switch, execute thrusters the same way, then push press the same way. The rest will seem like more than enough through the first few rounds and as you and your teammate navigate the ladder rounds you’ll be begging them to slow down, but don’t!

Warm up (Checkmark)

As a team of 2 execute the following:

50 Cal row or Bike

10 Inch worms

50 Walking Lunge

60 mountain climbers (right + left = 1)

10 Wall Walks

50 Air Squats

Not for time.

Single arm lots of work (Time)


10 Single arm Suitcase Deadlift (5/5)

10 Single arm Thruster (5/5)

10 Single arm Push Press (5/5)

20 rounds for time.



10 Single arm Suitcase Deadlift (5/5)

10 Single arm Thruster (5/5)

10 Single arm Push Press (5/5)

20 rounds for time.



10 Single arm Suitcase Deadlift (5/5)

10 Single arm Thruster (5/5)

10 Single arm Push Press (5/5)

20 rounds for time.


Cool down (Time)

2x max effort chin over bar hold

(see how long you can hold your chin over the bar, any grip you prefer!)

Rest 2-3 minutes between attempts.