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WOD – Tue, Jan 30


Intent: You were concerned to didn’t get enough heavy breathing yesterday? Show us your stuff today then. This is a chipper style workout that must be execute in the order or is completed. The dead hang must be accumulated before advancing. The load for the snatch and front squat should look light and you should assume you can do 20 reps touch and go unbroken as you consider scaling.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

Warm Up:

1:00 Row

1:00 Bike

1:00 single Unders

2 rounds


5 Snatch deadlift

5 muscle Snatch

5 Front Squat

10 Lateral bar jump overs

3 rounds


:10 Dead hang

:20-:30 double Under or practice

3 rounds

Dead or Alive (Time)


75 Snatch (75/55lb.)

1:00 Dead Hang (Accumulate)

150 Double Under

75 Front Squat (75/55lb.)

150 Double Under

1:00 Dead Hang

For time.


75 Snatch (65/45lb.)

1:00 Dead Hang (Accumulate)

75 Double Under (or 150 lateral bar jump over)

75 Front Squat (65/45lb.)

75 Double Under (or 150 lateral bar jump over)

1:00 Dead Hang

For time.


50 Hang Snatch (45/35lb.)

:30 Dead Hang (Accumulate)

50-100 Single Unders

50 Front Squat (45/35lb.)

50-100 Single Unders

:30 Dead Hang

For time.

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3×10 Turkish Get up


3×15 Banded face pull