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WOD – Mon, Jan 29


Intent: We are starting the week with a big emphasis on strength intensity. The 2 movements differ in demand by function and also category. We will get upside down and strengthen our arms and core for handstand push up and of course get after some heavy loads on the deadlift in the form of power lifting.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

Warm UP:

50 Jumping jacks


4 Inch worms

8 Spiderman

:15 Dead hang

20 Plank shoulder taps

10 Light KB Deadlift

3 rounds

Skills and Drills (Checkmark)

Skills and Drills:

10:00 of inverted practice

  • Handstand hold on wall
  • LUnge to handstand hold away from wall
  • Handstand hold (4×4 box in space)
  • Shoulder taps on box, or on wall or free standing
  • Handstand walk practice
Deadlift (Every 3:00 x 10 you will execute 1 set of DL’s and 1 set of the movement to follow!

*All sets should feel like work, but the final 5 sets should feel the most intensive!

Strict Handstand Push Up (10 Rounds for reps)

5-10 Strict Handstand push ups

*For this movement your capacity needs to be scaled for. You should seek a challenge for every set. Some will need to scale to handstand push ups from a box, some with an abmat under the head, others with extra depth because they can do RX’d HSPU with no problem. The goal is to make each of the 10 sets a working set.

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3×20 Banded good morning

3×30-45 Banded tricep push down