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WOD – Tue, Jan 23


Intent: Focus of today is to challenge the upper body through the strength couplet and then find a rhythm in the EMOM. We want to get the heart rate up and force focus and accuracy on both the double unders and the touch and go power snatch. The strength work comes second today due to the nature of prioritizing the explosive and higher output movement in the snatch first!

Warm up (Checkmark)

3:00 Row or 3:00 bike


:20 Dead Hang

:20 Plank (Forward)

:20 Wall Sit

2 rounds


5 Snatch grip Deadlift

5 Muscle snatch

5 Overhead Squat

5 Hang Squat Snatch

3 rounds for quality (PVC Pipe)


Flipper (Weight)



EMOTM 10 minutes:

30 Double Unders

3 Touch and Go Power Snatch (155/105lb.)


EMOTM 10 minutes:

30 Single unders or Lateral bar jump overs

3 Touch and Go Power Snatch (115/85lb.)


EMOTM 10 minutes:

30 Single unders or 20 Lateral line jump overs

3 Touch and Go Power Snatch (55/35lb.)

Strength Couplet (8 Rounds for reps)

Strength Couplet:

Execute 1 superset ever 3:00 (12:00)

Alternating DB bench press

4×24 (start with both DB’s locked out then lower one side while keeping other side extended, return that side to lockout and continue until 12 reps are done on each arm.)

Superset with:

4×10 Barbell Snatch grip bent row

*This is an important lift for both shoulder health and strengthening the upper and mid back to allow for great success on the Olympic lifts!

Cool Down (Time)

3x max effort chin over bar hold!

Rest as needed.

Score is total time accumulated with chin over bar.