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WOD – Mon, Jan 22


Today is a mini WOD within each round. The goal is to pace by leaving just a bit of energy left in the tank so that you find yourself with the ability to repeat your speed and rep choices as you go through the 5 rounds. The DB Clean and Jerks can be taken inside the legs our outside of the legs.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

Warm Up:

50 Jumping jacks


1:00 couch stretch

:30 arm across body banded shoulder stretch each arm

1:00 banded lat stretch each arm


10 Scap pull up

10 Scap push up

10 Air Squat

2 rounds


5 Medball squat clean

5 pull up

5 Double DB Deadlift

3 rounds

Wild West (Time)


Wild West

20/15 Cal Row or Bike

10 DB Clean and Jerks (50/35lb.)

15 Wallball (20/14lb.) (10/9ft.)

20 Pull Up

For time.

Rest 2:00

5 rounds


Wild West

20/15 Cal Row or Bike

10 DB Clean and Jerks (35/25lb.)

15 Wallball (14/10lb.) (10/9ft.)

20 Banded Pull Up

For time.

Rest 2:00

5 rounds


Wild West

15/10 Cal Row or Bike

10 DB Clean and Jerks (20/10lb.)

15 Wallball (10/6lb.) (9ft.)

15 Leg supported pull up or Ring Row

For time.

Rest 2:00

4 rounds

Cool Down (2 Rounds for reps)

Half kneeling land mine single arm shoulder press


Superset with:

Dumbbell Cuban press

3×10 (light and great form)