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WOD – Fri, Jan 19


Today we spend some time refining skills that are often overlooked. We are getting upside to practice a series of drills that will allow your fitness to mature. You may not have any inherent desire to become a gymnast or even understand the value of training upside but the list is long of benefits. Agility, accuracy, coordination, balance are all aspects of fitness that can be dramatically increased. As we age our tolerance for rolling, flipping, getting upside down can be minimized. This is mostly due to lack of exposure. If you fall down the stairs do you hope to have a sense of where you are in space or how to brace? You need to get upside down. Do you ski? Snowboard? You need to get upside down. Do you want to reduce the likely hood of shoulder separation or subluxation? You need to train the shoulder girdle to stabilize upside down. We all need it! After we get our work in for skills, we attack a conditioning piece today that involves movement interference. We will press upside and squat and press in the thruster. The goal is for the load to get heavy but you should look at each round as something that could be achieved in 2 sets.

Warm up (Checkmark)

50 Jumping Jack

50 Seal Jack


10 Banded pass through

10 Banded pull a part

10 scap push up

10 scap pull up

2 rounds


10 Walking lunges

10 scorpions

10 spiderman + twist

10 air squat

2 rounds


Inverted Skill (Checkmark)

Inverted Skills:

10:00 of skill development for upside work.

  • Handstand hold on wall
  • Handstand hold facing wall
  • Wall Walk practice
  • Shoulder tap wall facing or facing away
  • Handstand walk
Wine Press (AMRAP – Reps)


10 minute AMRAP

20 Thruster (135/95lb.)

25 Handstand push Up

15 Thruster (155/105lb.)

20 Handstand push up

10 Thruster (175/115lb.)


5 Thruster (185/125lb.)


In remaining time….AMRAP Thruster at 185lb.


10 minute AMRAP

20 Thruster (95/65lb.)

25 Handstand push Up (Pike off box)

15 Thruster (115/85lb.)

20 Handstand push up (Pike off box)

10 Thruster (135/95lb.)

15 HSPU (pike off box)

5 Thruster (155/105lb.)

10 HSPU (pike off box)

In remaining time….AMRAP Thruster at 155/105lb.


10 minute AMRAP

20 Thruster (45/35lb.)

25 Standing DB Strict Overhead Press (15/10lb.)

15 Thruster (55/45lb.)

20 Standing DB Strict Overhead Press (15/10lb.)

10 Thruster (65/50lb.)

15 Standing DB Strict Overhead Press (15/10lb.)

5 Thruster (75/55lb.)

10 Standing DB Strict Overhead Press (15/10lb.)

In remaining time….AMRAP Thruster at 75/55lb.

Cool Down (Checkmark)


Banded pull a parts

8x :20 work/ :20 rest

Burn out for the posterior shoulder for structural balance from all we did today!