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WOD – Wed, Jan 17


In need of a good upper body pump? We got you! Today we visit some intervals on the bike with the soul focus of waking up the legs and building consistency in pacing. The rest of today’s training is focused around the upper body as both development and limitation. The series of gymnastics “pulling” movements builds in difficulty, complexity and reps as each round progresses. There will need to be a wide array of scaling considerations to take place based on each individual. The strict pull up is one of the most important that we practice and develop, don’t skip this one and make it important for yourself to develop. Make the strict pull up hard today even if you have to break it up a bit and use a band, but develop this! It is the gateway for upper body durability and levels on levels of potential for your kipping work.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

3:00 Bike or Row


25ft. Bear crawl forward

25ft. Bear crawl backward

25ft. Bear crawl lateral left

25ft. Bear crawl lateral right

2 rounds


5:00 AMRAP for quality

1 Wall Walk

3 push Up

5 Kipping swing

7 Light KB Swing


Intervals (6 Rounds for reps)


Bike repeats

1:00 on

1:00 off

X 6 rounds

PulPress (Time)


5 Strict Pull Up

7 Kipping Pull Up

9 Chest to bar pull up

15 Dumbbell Push Press (50/35lb.)

5 rounds for time.

15:00 Time Cap


3 Strict Pull Up (or less reps but RX’d movement as long as possible)

5 Kipping Pull Up (banded here if needed.)

7 Chest to bar pull up (banded here if needed.)

15 Dumbbell Push Press (35/20lb.)

5 rounds for time.


5 Strict Banded Pull Up (or leg supported)

5 Jumping Pull Up

5 Jumping Chest to bar pull up

15 Dumbbell Push Press (15/10lb.)

5 rounds for time.

Cool Down (Checkmark)

Barbell Bicep Curl


Superset with

Lateral DB Shoulder Raise


Rest as needed between supersets.