2 Sets Complete the following
10x DB Bulgarian split lunge-Right leg
10x DB Bulgarian split lunge-Lower DB weight- Right leg
10x BW Bulgarian split lunge-Right leg
Repeat Left leg
2 minute rest
Last rep of each set of 10 pause hold 5 second.
Every 3:00 x 4 sets
40 Double Unders/ Modifying
5 DB Deadlift 50/35 35/20
5 DB Hang clean
5 DB Front Squat
Pays to be a winner for rest between sets.
Goal is unbroken on all movements, choose a DB weight you can manage mechanics and pushes you.
3×15 Banded face pull
3×10 ea side plank KB/DB pull throughs
3:00 Bike or Row
Dynamic Warm up Coaches Choice
25ft. Bear crawl forward
25ft. Bear crawl backward
25ft. Bear crawl lateral left
25ft. Bear crawl lateral right
2 rounds