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WOD – Sat, Dec 9


Partner workout Saturday! Each movement can be broken up however the team desires but each movement must be completed before advancing to the next!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

Partner warm Up, 1 person works at time. Move for quality not speed.

50 Cal Bike or Row total

50 Plank knuckle bump (facing each other in plank, alternate arms and fist bump each other)

50 V Up (total)

50 Superman

Pull, Kick and Jump (Time)


20:00 AMRAP

40 Alternating DB Snatch (50/35lb.)

30 Hanging Knee’s to chest

20 Burpee to Pull Up Rig


20:00 AMRAP

40 Alternating DB Snatch (35/20lb.)

30 Toes to bar

20 Burpee to Pull Up Rig


20:00 AMRAP

40 Alternating Hang DB Snatch (20/15lb.)

30 Hanging leg raise or lying leg raise

20 Burpee (step up, step back)

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3×20 Alternating DB Hammer Curl

3×10-20 GHD Sit Up

3x 30 Banded Tricep extension

**Treat these as a circuit/ giant set rotating through all 3 movements with minimal rest.