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WOD – Fri, Dec 8


Strength day to increase our front squat! After a thorough week of training the legs can feel heavy, adjust the load to make the sets as prescribed but know that strength doesn’t happen on accident. Get good and warm and attack! The conditioning today is one that will leave you unsure if you are ready for the round to follow, go as soon as you can. Scale the skills to hit the intended stimulus and get in some good practice of the BMU before the workout begins.

Warm UP (Checkmark)

1:00 Bike

1:00 Row

1:00 shuttle run

2 rounds


6 Walking Lunge + overhead reach

3 Wall squat (as close to wall as possible)

3 Goblet squat (light load)

6 strict pull up or scap pull up

6 Burpee

3 rounds


Front Squat (Front Squat
4×3 (85-90% is the goal weight for these! That means they should be very heavy 19/20 RPE)
Ski Legs (Time)


18 DB Front rack step back lunge (50/35lb.)

15 Box Jump (30/24’)

9 Bar Muscle Up

3 rounds for time.


18 DB Front rack step back lunge (35/20lb.)

15 Box Jump (24/20’)

9 Banded or Jumping Bar Muscle Up (9 Push Up + 9 Chest to bar pull up)

3 rounds for time.


18 DB Front rack step back lunge (20/15lb.)

15 Box Jump (8/6 inch box hop’)

9 Push Up + 9 Inverted Row / Ring Row

3 rounds for time.

Cool Down (AMRAP – Reps)

:20 work/ :10 Rest x 8 rounds

Russian Twist (25lb. plate/ 15lb. plate)

*As many reps as possible.