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WOD – Tue, Dec 5


Today we are working on one of the unmentionables. This is what we categorize as folks least favorites, yes we need them. Pistols appear in both the skill work and the conditioning because as we develop strength it shouldn’t be neglected to do so on 1 leg at a time. This will take scaling from most and when done properly the value is the same and as beneficial as those with the ability to RX the movement. A quality squat is no different than a quality pistol, the difference is ones ability to hit proper positions primarily limited by mobility and balance!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

400m Run


1:00 Couch stretch each leg

1:00 pigeon each leg

1:00 Figure 4 stretch each leg (


10 Walking lunge + reach overhead

10 Scorpion (5 each leg)

5 Wide stance air squat

5 narrow stance air squat (feet touching if possible)

2 rounds

Pistol Skills (Checkmark)

Skills: 10:00 for pistol development/ practice

2×10 (5 each leg) Candle Stick pistols (

2×10 (each leg) Medball Candle stick pistol *same as first movement but holding onto medball Pistol (All 1 side, then other)

2×3 each leg (3 count down, 2 count hold, stand) 2×3 each leg weighted pistol, no tempo.

2×20 Alternating pistols for time. (Scale to box, hold onto band, elevate heel….)

2 Long (AMRAP – Reps)


2:00 at each movement

x 2 rounds

Wallball (20/14lb.) (10/9ft.)

Row or Bike (Cals)

GHD Sit Up/ Abmat Sit up

Double Under


2:00 at each movement

x 2 rounds

Wallball (14/10lb.) (10/9ft.)

Row or Bike (Cals)

GHD Sit Up to parallel / Abmat Sit up

Double Under (Great day to practice this for at least 1:00 and then do singles for the following 1:00 on each round)


2:00 at each movement

x 2 rounds

Wallball or MB Front Squat (10/6lb.) (9ft.)

Row or Bike (Cals)

Abmat Sit up/ Banded assisted sit up

Single Under or low plate hop

*Score total reps.

Cool Down (Checkmark)

5:00 easy bike or jog


2:00 Bottom Squat accumulation

This is to be bottomed out, it is a focus on mobility and restoration of the tissues we taxed today through skills and conditioning.