Today we are going heavy for the gains and improvements in our clean and jerk. The complex today demands 2 split jerks, this is going to refine and strengthen the movement due to the increased demand. For some the split jerk is easier than the clean and for others it is the opposite, either way we find improvement and refinement on the lift. For “Strict Rules” we are varying our approach to intensity by demanding some of the movements be strict while under fatigue. This protects the joints from undue wear and tear but also increases overall strict strength which down the road will improve many things!
3:00 Bike or Row
3 Inch worm
5 Hip down push up
8 Spiderman stretch
2 rounds
5 Push Up
5 Scap Pull Up
5 Kipping Swing
5 Air Squat
3 rounds
3 Muscle Clean
3 Front Squat
3 Clean + Split Jerk
2 rounds
Clean and Jerk
1 Full Clean (Squat)
2 Split Jerks
Every 2:00 x 6 sets
Our goal today is to start heavy and stay heavy. A good starting weight for this lift today is around 85% 1rm, and to build!
“Strict Rules”
10 Power Cleans (135/95lb.)
5 Strict Press
10 Strict Pull ups
5 rounds for time.
The load selected for the workout today must be the same for the power clean and the strict press. If you cannot get 5 strict press to start in a row then you are going to heavy.
“Strict Rules”
10 Power Cleans (95/65lb.)
5 Strict Press
10 Strict Pull ups (Banded)
5 rounds for time.
“Strict Rules”
10 DB Hang Power Clean (20/15lb.)
5 Strict Press
10 Strict Ring Row
5 rounds for time.
3×10 Kneeling Dumbbell bent row (1 arm at a time on bench)