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WOD – Thu, Dec 28
 Saturday December 30th. 8am-12pm. 3 workouts. 10$ cash entry per athlete the day of the competition.
 There will be a prizes.
 Sign up your name and level of fitness on the whiteboard.
 Teams will be made one from each category to balance out teams RISE45
 Our focus for this Rise45 is simple–get you results. This challenge will have an emphasis on 7 principles that, when applied properly for the long term, can give you the wealth in the form of health that you most desire:
 Click on the links below to get started and registered to start 1 Jan 2024.
 “Register now”
 Populated at the bottom of the page


HIgh skill practice today. A chance to progress yourself wherever you are with your gymnastics. After a thorough warm up and skill work we test your breathing and grip stamina paired with some high level capacity. Work demanded for each round should aim to take athletes under 3:00 per round, scale accordingly!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

400m Run or equivalent (3:00 easy run in gym)


1:00 kneeling wrist/ forearm stretch

:20 Dead hang

:30 chest stretch each side

10 PVC Pass throughout

1 round


5 Push Up

5 Kipping Swing

5 light single arm suitcase deadlifts each side

3 rounds

Skills and Drills (Checkmark)

20:00 Skills and drills: “Play and practice”

These are session elements that can lead to minimizing weakness, new PR’s and new scaling ideas that will progress everyone to the next level of something! Although we don’t have rings on demand in today’s training this is equally a good time to refine those skills needed for them or give athletes a chance to attempt a few.

  • Glide kip practice (where to jump from, how to keep body shape..)
  • Hip to bar kip practice or hip to ring
  • Jumping bar muscle up practice or jumping ring muscle up
  • Bar muscle up attempts
  • Handstand push development (lower to tripod)
  • Headstand with back to wall, lowering knee’s to load for kip
  • Kipping HSPU practice (abmat if needed)
  • Box Handstand push up practice (pike, athletes who need more full ROM strength and stamina)
  • Box step down with control for pistol development
  • Heel elevated pistol practice
  • Holding to rig or band for support (pistol stability)
Iron Fist (Time)


6 Shuttle Run (25ft. Out and back = 1)

3 Farmer carry lap (50/35lb. Each arm)

8 Bar Muscle Up

12 Toes To bar

2:00 Rest

5 rounds for time.


6 Shuttle Run (25ft. Out and back = 1)

3 Farmer carry lap (35/20. Each arm)

4 Bar Muscle Up or 8 jumping bar muscle Up

12 Toes To bar or knee’s to armpits

2:00 Rest

5 rounds for time.


6 Shuttle Run (25ft. Out and back = 1)

3 Farmer carry lap (35/20lb. Each arm)

8 Low bar BMU (bar fixed in low squat rack, use legs for support up and over)

12 Lying leg raise (hold onto rig or KB for leverage to lift legs)

2:00 Rest

5 rounds for time.

Cool Down (Checkmark)

1:00 Wall Hinge shoulder stretch

:30 chest stretch each arm (arm on rig or wall)

1:00 Calf stretch both legs same time. Toes on plate, heels below.

1:00 in bottom of squat using elbows to drive knee’s out.