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WOD – Wed, Dec 27
 Saturday December 30th. 8am-12pm. 3 workouts. 10$ cash entry per athlete the day of the competition.
 There will be a prizes.
 Sign up your name and level of fitness on the whiteboard.
 Teams will be made one from each category to balance out teams RISE45
 Our focus for this Rise45 is simple–get you results. This challenge will have an emphasis on 7 principles that, when applied properly for the long term, can give you the wealth in the form of health that you most desire:
 Click on the links below to get started and registered to start 1 Jan 2024.
 “Register now”
 Populated at the bottom of the page


A little death by today! In these workouts, you start with a set number and each minute that passes the amount of work completed is increased. The goal today is to make it 10:00. There are many ways to scale this, the first and obvious way is to minimize the amount of work done by double unders or jump rope. You want to finish a minimum of :25 in each minute with the rope. Then you can also choose to only go up by 1 rep on the sit up each minute, and lastly if you cap out, which means you can’t finish the prescribed work in a minute, then stay with that same amount of work and keep going until the final person in the class who is still progressing caps out!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

8 minute AMRAP

15 Seal Jack

12 Walking toe touch (alternating legs)

10 No push up burpee

8 Hollow Rock

6 Hip Down Push Up

Shoulder Press (Strict press
Build to a max in 15:00
Set a new PR!)
Death By: Sit Up (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


“Death By Sit Up”


Every minute on the minute

20 Double Under




“Death By Sit Up”


Every minute on the minute

10 Double Under (Or scaled number of DU that is never takes more than :25 worth of jumping)




“Death By Sit Up”


Every minute on the minute

20 Single Under or lateral bar over hop (:25 or less worth of work.)



Score the round you made it into and how many reps you got into that round you did not advance out of.

Cool Down (Checkmark)

Single arm upright row

3×12 each arm, important that these are slower down, than faster up when it comes to tempo


Supinated banded pull a part


Rest as needed between supersets.