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WOD – Fri, Dec 22
 Get Ready to ThrowDown
 LCF New Years Eve  30 December 2023 Check community board for details coming. RISE45
 Our focus for this Rise45 is simple–get you results. This challenge will have an emphasis on 7 principles that, when applied properly for the long term, can give you the wealth in the form of health that you most desire:
 Click on the link below to get started.


Today’s conditioning includes 2 parts. The goal is to develop overall capacity and put an emphasis on grip stamina. By design athletes should be able to keep steadily moving on each 5 rounder, there will be stopping or pausing in part 2 due to the local muscle fatigue.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

5:00 jump rope skills (any variations)


5 band pass throughs

10 bands pull a parts

10 overhead banded pull a parts

3 rounds


10 lateral lunges

5 cherry pickers

5 no push up burpee

5 box jump + step down

10 Kipping swings

3 rounds


Shoulder Press (3×2)

Strict Press

3×2 (90-100%1rm)

Rest 3:00 between sets, focus on strong bracing through your midline and really keeping the bar path as straight as you can. The moment the bar comes forward it WILL FEEL HEAVY and can result in missed reps/ sets.

Double Double (Time)


12 Pull Up

6 Burpee Box Jump Over (24/20)

5 rounds for time.

5:00 REST

8 Double DB/KB Step Up (24/20) (50/35lb.)

12 Knee’s to elbows

5 rounds for time.


9 Pull Up (Banded)

6 Burpee Box Jump Over (24/20)

5 rounds for time.

5:00 REST

10 Double DB/KB Step Up (24/20) (35/20lb.)

15 Hanging/ Kipping Leg raise

5 rounds for time.


9 Jumping Pull Up or Leg supported pull up

6 Burpee Box Jump Over (10/6 inches)

5 rounds for time.

5:00 REST

10 Double DB/KB Step Up (10/6 inches) (20/10lb.)

10 Lying Leg Raise (hold KB or Rig for leverage to lift legs)

5 rounds for time.

Score is total time including rest.

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3×10 Single leg calf raise


3x 20 Banded pull a part