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WOD – Wed, Dec 13


Today the rep scheme is traditional but it’s filled with movement interference. The strict hspu will challenge one’s strength and local muscle endurance in the shoulders and triceps and you won’t get any relief on those muscle as you advance to the overhead squat. The double under will get the arms down by the side but again we are challenged in the shoulders to even spin the rope with the needed speed for double unders.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

3:00 jump rope vary the style


10 scap pull up

30 strict press (pvc)

20 walking lunge

30 behind the neck press (pvc)

10 scap pull up


10 pvc pass through

5 overhead squat

15 Double Under or 30 Singles

3 rounds

Shoulder Press (Strict Press
3×3 (82.5-90%1rm)
Rest 3:00 between sets, focus on strong bracing through your midline and really keeping the bar path as straight as you can. The moment the bar comes forward it WILL FEEL HEAVY and can result in missed reps/ sets.
Press, Hold, Spin (Time)



Strict hspu

Overhead squat (135/95lb.)

75 double unders after each round

For time



Abmat HSPU (strict)

Overhead squat (95/65lb.)

1:30 double unders practice after each round

For time



Pike on feet or feet on bike HSPU

Overhead squat (55/35lb.)

100 single unders

For time

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3×30 banded pull a part (supinated grip, palms UP!)

Rest 1:30 between sets.