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WOD – Tue, Dec 12


Shorter, faster and a bit dirtier than yesterday. This is designed to be higher power output and shorter duration workout. The loading should be scaled to something that allows you to know that you COULD do 7+ unbroken reps if told to. You can choose your plan of attack that works best for you. The trap here is starting with 9’s and changing the stimulus to climb to 21 to finish!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

3:00 row or bike


3 inch worm

4 no push up burpee

5 push up

6 toe touch to overhead (no weight)

3 rounds


3 muscle clean

3 power clean

3 push jerk

3 rounds with empty barbell


Prep for strength work.

Clean and Jerk Complex (8 Rounds for reps)

Clean and Jerk

1 Full Clean (Squat)


1 Front Squat


1 Split Jerks

Every 2:00 x 8 sets

Our goal today is to start heavy and stay heavy. A good starting weight for this lift today is around 85% 1rm, and to build!

Power Down (Time)



Power clean (165/115)

Bar facing burpee



Power clean (135/95)

Bar facing burpee



Power clean (65/45)

Bar facing burpee (step over bar)

Cool Down (2 Rounds for reps)

2x max reps Ring Rows

Rest 2:00 between sets

Keep these “strict”, hip open, squeeze glutes throughout so it is deliberately upper body pulling only. Scale angle of your body to the rings so you can get a minimum of 10 reps each set, be sure to try to pull rings to outside of chest.