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WOD – Mon, Nov 6


Intent: This week will have some fun with versions of workouts from the Rogue Invitational! If athletes are curious as to how their times and performances stack up against the fittest in the world then go back and watch some of the events on youtube! Today is based around Bar muscle up/ pulling skills to start and then navigating the appropriate load and scaled version of the workout to attack. It’s a combo of gymnastics and weightlifting that creates a challenge for both the lighter more gymnasty athlete and also the bigger stronger athlete.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

Warm Up:

7 minute AMRAP

8/6 Cal Row or Bike

10 Walking Lunge

10 KB Deadlift (one, light load)

10 Kipping Swings

10 Shoulder taps (top of push up)

Skills and Drills (Checkmark)

Skills and drills:

10:00 hanging/ Bar muscle up skills

  • Kipping swing
  • Glide kip swing practice
  • Glide kip to hip to bar pull
  • Jumping bar muscle up
  • Banded muscle up
  • Bar muscle up attempts
  • Linking BMU
Seat at the Bar (Time)


For time.

Bar Muscle Up


Back Squat (205/135lb.) *From the floor



For time.

Bar Muscle Up (Banded or Jumping)


Back Squat (135/95lb.) *From the floor



For time.

Burpee + Pull Up (All burpees + All pull ups if scale needed for pull up)


Back Squat (95/65lb.) *From the floor


Cool Down (Checkmark)

Cool Down:

GHD Hip Extension 3×15


Superman 3×20


Foam roll quads, glutes, hamstrings (2:00-3:00)