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WOD – Sat, Nov 4


Partner style local muscle endurance training! Even though we get to split therefore up between 2 people, this style of training is similar to Monday! Today we get some opposing muscle groups actions with pressing, pulling and pinching but it still ends up being a fear e combo to give us a mean upper body pump! No better way to start the weekend.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

:30 dead hang

30 jumping Jack

30 seal jack

30 shoulder tap (top of push up)

60 mountain climber

30 shoulder tap (top of push up)

30 seal jack

30 jumping jack

:30 supinated dead hang

For quality

Hulk Arms (Time)

RX Conditioning:

40 Wall walk

400m plate pinch carry (25/15lb. Each hand)

60 Strict pull up

In teams of 2 this workout must be attacked in order as written. Complete all the work of each movement before moving on. The wall walk and strict pull ups can be divided amongst the team as they wish. The 400m plate pinch carry must be done by each partner, each carrying their own plates.


40 Wall walk (scale ROM)

400m plate pinch carry (15/10lb.. Each hand)

60 Strict pull up (scale volume down keep RX’d movement if possible)

In teams of 2 this workout must be attacked in order as written. Complete all the work of each movement before moving on. The wall walk and strict pull ups can be divided amongst the team as they wish. The 400m plate pinch carry must be done by each partner, each carrying their own plates.


40 Wall walk (scale reps down + ROM)

400m farmer Carry (25/15lb Kb. Each hand)

60 Strict pull up (banded pull up or ring row)

In teams of 2 this workout must be attacked in order as written. Complete all the work of each movement before moving on. The wall walk and strict pull ups can be divided amongst the team as they wish. The 400m plate pinch carry must be done by each partner, each carrying their own plates.

Cool Down (AMRAP – Reps)

2:00 max reps russian twists (25/15lb.)