HEAVY DAY! Counter to yesterday’s training today we are putting all of our effort and energy on going big. All sets including set 1 should be heavy and hard. Rest as needed between your working set and most importantly be sure you’ve done enough building sets or warm up sets to optimize your performance.
3:00 row or bike
4 Scorpion
5 Burpee
6 Spiderman + Twist
8 Shoulder tap (top of push up)
2 rounds
5 Deadlift
5 Muscle Clean
5 Strict presss
2 rounds
3 Power Clean
3 Front Squat
3 Push Jerk
2 rounds
3 Full Clean and split Jerks
2 sets
20/15 Calorie bike sprint for time.
Rest 3:00
X 4
Execute 2 Squat Clean and Split Jerks (not touch and go.)
*Today refine your ability to pull under the weight in a full squat, reset at the top and refine your split jerk, really driving with the legs and building consistency in where they land each rep.
RX/ Intermediate/ Baseline: All groups are focused on technique and building strength through working sets today. Loading and movements modifications must be made per individual.