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WOD – Thu, Nov 30


HEAVY DAY! Counter to yesterday’s training today we are putting all of our effort and energy on going big. All sets including set 1 should be heavy and hard. Rest as needed between your working set and most importantly be sure you’ve done enough building sets or warm up sets to optimize your performance.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

3:00 row or bike


4 Scorpion

5 Burpee

6 Spiderman + Twist

8 Shoulder tap (top of push up)

2 rounds


5 Deadlift

5 Muscle Clean

5 Strict presss

2 rounds


3 Power Clean

3 Front Squat

3 Push Jerk

2 rounds


3 Full Clean and split Jerks

2 sets

Clean and Jerk (2-2-2-2-2)


Execute 2 Squat Clean and Split Jerks (not touch and go.)

*Today refine your ability to pull under the weight in a full squat, reset at the top and refine your split jerk, really driving with the legs and building consistency in where they land each rep.

RX/ Intermediate/ Baseline: All groups are focused on technique and building strength through working sets today. Loading and movements modifications must be made per individual.

Power Finisher (4 Rounds for reps)

20/15 Calorie bike sprint for time.

Rest 3:00

X 4