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WOD – Fri, Nov 3


Powerful day! The goal is to move the needle on our strength today and execute 5 working sets of deadlifts. Rest as needed between sets to stay as heavy as you can for all the sets! Our conditioning is a 1:1 work to rest ratio where you’ll pick up wherever you leave off from the previous interval. Select a weight that is perceived as “light” and allows you to execute sets of 10 unbroken and FAST with great form. We should feel these in our hamstrings and butt tomorrow, not your back. It’s normal to have soreness there, but if we keep it neutral it is merely stabilizing our trunk while our legs move the load!


Warm Up (Checkmark)

8 minute AMRAP

8 KB Deadlift

4 inch worm

8 KB Swing

4 hip down push up

8 KB Sumo Deadlift High Pull

4 scorpion

**Choose a light load for this portion of this session.

Deadlift (Deadlift
All working sets.
85-90% 1rm.


Backside Dominance (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


2:00 AMRAP

10 Deadlift (165/115)

10 lunge jump

2:00 rest

3 rounds for max reps


2:00 AMRAP

10 Deadlift (95/65lb.)

10 lunge jump

2:00 rest

3 rounds for max reps


2:00 AMRAP

10 Deadlift (75/55lb.)

10 lunge steps

2:00 rest

3 rounds for max reps

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3:00 easy bike or row

1:00 couch stretch each leg

1:00 pigeon stretch each leg