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WOD – Sun, Nov 26

Warm up

3:00 Run, Row or Bike

Coaches Choice

Burn your Turkey Off (Time)

Thruster 95/135 75/115 65/95
Bar MU/ C2Bar/ Pullup

Rest recover Then
Flight Simulator
Double Unders / Singles
Rest recover Then
3 Rounds of:
20 KB Swings Grn/Red Blu/Grn Yel/Blu
20 KB Goblet squats
Rest recover Then
3 Rounds for time of:
17/20 Cal Bik or Row
15 Abmat Situps
10 DB Push press 35/50 20/35 10/25
Rest recover Then
8 Rounds
Tabata Bike for Cals

They are all in the 3-8 min time domain… rest as needed between.

46 Minute CAP

Cool Down

Coaches Choice