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WOD – Wed, Nov 22
 Thanksgiving Hours : 7a and 9a ONLY.   Friday hours  will be 730a, 9a and 415p and 515p.


Today is a high capacity but load free session. Get plenty warm and be able to attack this with confidence in your scaling selection. Many may need to reduce volume, that should be the first scaling option provided for anyone who can actually do a ring dip or toe to bar. For those that cannot do them RX’d then scale down the movement and keep what volume they are capable.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

3:00 bike or row


8 minute AMRAP

5 Hip down push up

5 Push up

10 Light Single arm Russian KB swing each arm

10 Kipping swings

:10-:20 Handstand hold variation of choice

10 Alternating jack knife (5 each side)

Turkey Hunt (Time)


25/20 cal row or bike cals

25 Ring dip

35 toes to bar

2 rounds for time

15:00 Time cap


25/20 cal row or bike cals

25 Ring dip (Banded)

*35 toes to bar (reduction in volume 1st, scale movement 2nd)

2 rounds for time

*Hanging straight leg raises to chest or belly*


25/20 cal row or bike cals

25 Bench Dip or Push Up

25 Hanging leg raise or V Up

2 rounds for time

Cool Down (3 Rounds for reps)

3x max reps push ups


3x 20 Banded a part

Superset the two movements and rest as needed.