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WOD – Thu, Nov 2


IWT = Interval weight training! This is a traditional triplet on the higher level of skills. The goal is to go as hard and fast as possible each segment and trust your ability to recover in the 3:00 window! We hope to really nail the scaling for these today to try to keep each working time frame under 5:00 and closer to 4:00 as a goal. The load of the strength movement has to provide the chance for some tough and go reps!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

7 minute AMRAP

7/5 cal row or bike

5 PVC Hang power snatch

5 overhead squat (PVC)

5 hip down push up

3-5 strict pull up

1 wall walk + :10 hold at top

10-15 ft. handstand walk / :20 attempt

Skills and drills (Checkmark)

Spend 10:00 refining skills for chest to bar pull ups or the version of pull ups that you are working to refine. And handstand walking!

No holes (Time)

RX Conditioning:

15 power snatch (135/95)

30 chest to bar pull up

50 ft. Handstand walk

3:00 rest

50ft handstand walk

15 power snatch (135/95lb.)

30 Chest to bar pull up

3:00 rest

30 chest to bar pull up

50ft. Handstand walk

15 power snatch (135/95lb.)


Snatch 95/65lb.

Pull up

4 wall walk (each handstand walk)



65/45 lb.

Banded pull up or ring row

Bear crawl x 50ft.

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3×10 DB Strict Press

3×10 DB Upright Row

**Both movements need to be slower down than up tempo.