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WOD – Sat, Nov 18


Intent: In today’s workout we are executing sprint intervals partner style. This type of conditioning is both fun and some of the best benefits to our fitness and body comp. The intensity we can chase with 1:1 work to rest ratio has great benefits for building anaerobic fitness and building muscle. The weight and movements will get tough as you progress through but shouldn’t feel terribly heavy from the start or the workout portion on your end will happen too slowly.

Warm Up (Checkmark)


Mailman – Crazy fun CrossFit warmup games for your box


20 High knee’s in place

20 Mountain Climbers

20 Alternating Jack knife

3 rounds


Practice push press and deadlift together as a group!

Partner WOD (Time)


100m Run

15 Deadlift

15 Push Press

10 rounds for time


*1 partner goes through 1 round while the other partner rests!


100m Run

15 Deadlift

15 Push Press

10 rounds for time


*1 partner goes through 1 round while the other partner rests!


100m Run

10 KB Deadlift

10 Push Up

8 rounds for time

(35/20lb. 1KB for deadlift, not one each hand. 2 hands on KB, between legs)

*1 partner goes through 1 round while the other partner rests!

Cool Down (AMRAP – Reps)

Cool Down:

Tabata Abmat Sit up

:20 work/ :10 rest x 8 sets