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WOD – Wed, Nov 15



Today is a high skill transfer day with high capacity work. We will take time to refine the ring muscle up, everyone should have their eyes set on RX’ing a movement like this one day. And for some it will never be in the cards, this isn’t stated to discourage progression toward the movement but simply reality. The value is found in the strength, stability and coordination used to develop the movement even if it is never achieved in a lifetime of CrossFit. For the conditioning you should scale the ring muscle so that you are never attempting to get to the set number for more than 2:30 or so at a time or we risk losing the stimulus of conditioning we hope to achieve.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

Warm Up:

3:00 Bike or Row


5 Banded pass through

5 Overhead banded pull a part

5 Banded pull a part (chest height)

5 Banded Bent row (standing on band)

3 rounds


10 Calve raises

10 Toe pops (light jumps on balls of feet)

5 Box jump + step down

10 Light KB Swings

3 rounds

Skills and Drills (Checkmark)


Ring muscle up development

  • Low kneeling RMU drill
  • Ring row muscle up
  • Banded ring muscle up transition (from seated on band)
  • Ring swings
  • Ring swing + pull to shoulders + hip open
  • Ring muscle up attempts/ practice
Conditioning (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


22:00 AMRAP

20 Box Jump Over (24/20’)

7 Ring Muscle Up

10 KB Swing (70/53lb, American swings)


22:00 AMRAP

20 Box Jump Over (20’/14’’)

14 Ring Row + 14 Push Up

10 KB Swing (53/35lb, American swings)


22:00 AMRAP

20 Box Jump Over (12/6’ stack of plates) *optimally jumping of any kind if possible*

7 Ring Row + 7 Push Up

10 KB Swing (25/15lb, American swings)

Cool Down (Weight)

Cool Down:

3×10 DB Cuban press


3×10 DB or KB Bent row (heavier than cuban press)