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WOD – Sat, Nov 11


Intent: Todays training is designed as a partner workout. Athletes must progress down the list in order completing 1 movement then advancing. The rep scheme is designed ti split in half today between partners, scale accordingly.

The ball to target can be a standing toss, push press toss, squat and toss, just hit the target!

The medball sit up toss is supposed to be a toss from one partner to the other as they face one another. The athlete with the ball is the one who does a sit up each rep.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

Warm Up:

7 minute AMRAP for quality

5 No push up burpee

10 Mountain Climbers

10 Shoulder tap (push up position)

10 Kipping Swing

10 Medball Russian twist (each side)

Double Play (Time)

RX conditioning:

150 ball to target anyway (10ft.) (20/14)

120 toes to bar

90 medball sit up toss (20/14lb.)

60 burpee step up (20’)

30 Devil Press (50/35lb.)


150 ball to target anyway (10ft.) (14/10)

120 hanging leg raise / knees to chest

90 medball sit up toss (14/10)

60 burpee step up (20’)

30 Devil Press (35/20lb.)


150 ball to target anyway (9ft.) (10/6lb.)

120 Lying leg raise or V up

90 sit up (partner, you go, I go each rep)

60 burpee

30 Devil Press (15/10lb.)

Cool Down (Checkmark)

Cool Down:

Barbell Bicep Curl



Close Grip/ Tricep Push Up

3x max reps

Rest as needed between supersets!