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WOD – Thu, Oct 5


Big day! How well have you prioritized your sleep? Your nutrition? Your cool downs? How about your nightly “pre bed” stretching routine? Wait you don’t think about any of this? You should. You won’t make it for the long haul here if you don’t. CrossFit is a lifestyle, not just a training methodology. We excel and exceed the general public and other training methodologies by what we do with our other 23 hours in a day, not just the 1 that we spend going hard. All that said to inspire you to think about these things, let’s rise! Today we refine positions and accuracy for the snatch, don’t get crazy heavy today, focus on quality and practice! Then we go hard in our conditioning. Pick a load on the snatch that allows you to know you can come in on the first couple rounds off the run and go unbroken.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

400m Easy run


3 rounds

:10 Calf stretch each leg (toes on wall)

10 Tib Raise leaning body against wall, pull toes up high

10 Curtsy lunge (5 each leg)

5 Banded Pass through

10 Banded pull a part

5 Overhead Squat with Band


Empty barbell (Snatch grip + Hook Grip)

3 Deadlift to mid thigh

3 Deadlift + Shrug

3 Muscle snatch

3 Overhead Squat

3 Hang power snatch

3 Squat Snatch

2 rounds


Prep for Strength skill with coach!

Snatch Complex (Strength skill) (Weight)

EMOTM x 8 minutes

1 Power Snatch

1 Hang Power Snatch (below the knee)

1 Hang Power Snatch (above the knee)

*These loads should surpass what you plan to use in the WOD today, but we aren’t building to a heavy load, simply refining and practicing our movement patterns.*

Mixed Bag (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


20:00 AMRAP

200m Run

10 Hang Power Snatch (95/65lb.)

15 Burpee to 6’ target over reach

20 Abmat Sit Up

Goal: 5 rounds


20:00 AMRAP

200m Run

10 Hang Power Snatch (75/55lb.)

15 Burpee to 6’ target over reach

20 Abmat Sit Up


20:00 AMRAP

100m Run

10 Hang Muscle Snatch (45/35lb.)

10 Burpee

15 Abmat Sit Up (assisted with band if needed)