Intent: movement redundancy at its finest here! Pressing, pressing, pressing. You want to experience a real pump? Do this workout in under 8:00, what a goal! The handstand push up can be Kipping, advanced athletes should consider doing them strict! After you experience the frustrations of local muscle burnout, we breathe heavy and send some blood back to the legs!
3:00 bike or row
:30 pec stretch each arm
:30 supinated dead hang
:30 banded shoulder stretch each arm
8 min AMRAP for quality
50 single unders
25 ft forward bear crawl
25 ft. Backward bear crawl
25 ft forward lunge
25 ft backward lunge
10 sit up
10 Superman
5 burpee
Choose scaled version for workout!
RX Conditioning:
Handstand push up
Ring dip
Push up
Time cap: 15:00
Handstand push up (scale to box pike)
Ring dip (banded or leg supported)
Push up (kneeling)
Pike (feet on floor) Handstand push up
Ring dip/ Box dip (banded or leg supported)
Push up (kneeling/ or wall push up)
:30 max cal bike or row
X 6
Sum of total calories accomplished is your score.
3×20 Banded pull a part