Today we draw some solid baseline numbers are grip strength but also shoulder stability. The hangs today should be max effort with plenty of rest. It won’t seem much like strength work, but it is, and it has a great correlation to many things! Did you know grip strength is the number 1 correlation to life expectancy? Due to the the carry over of grip strength into every other lift, it carries much weight for quality of life, especially as we age. Then, we go LONG! 30 minutes of steady work is on the menu for conditioning. Our goal is to pick the intensity that is appropriate for you today. If you feel good and want to go hard, then GO, if you need to back off a touch and just move steadily then do that!
3:00 monostructural of your choice
3 Inch worm
:10 Dead Hang
6 lateral box step up
8 Light DB Strict press + 1 count hold at lockout each rep
10 Hollow Rock
3 rounds
Set up for hanging strength test!
Hanging Strength
1 x max effort single arm hang (Right)
1x max effort single arm hang (left)
1 x max effort double arm hang
Rest as needed between these sets.
For people who can’t hang on for :10 or more with their single arms they should try to use a band for extra support. This is a meaningful strength test, the more imbalance that exists here the more likely for shoulder injuries when hanging, pulling or executing anything overhead. Also the weaker our grip in general, we typically have less stability in all upper body movements.
RX Conditioning:
Aerobic work
:40 Work/ :20 Rest at each station for 30 minutes
- Calorie Row
- Unweighted Alternating Box step up (24/20’)
- Evil Wheel / Barbell Roll out
- Bike Calories
- Farmer carry (70/50lb.)
- GHD Sit Up (or abmat Sit Up)
Intermediate + Baseline:
Lower step up heights, lighter loads on farmer carry and abmat sit up in place of GHD!
2x max reps banded push ups (band around hand on one side, across upper back and across hand on other side.)
Rest 3:00 between sets. Go big!