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WOD – Wed, Oct 25

Intent (Checkmark)

Today we build upon some foundational gymnastics movements and skill work! Combining both high skills and capacity work in EMOTM style training is a great “practice” stimulus. Scale the work for part 1 so that it’s a good training piece but doesn’t take everything from you, the intensity needs to be driven toward part 2. In the conditioning we do a new core movement that isn’t often pieced together with “for time” training. The DB sit up press is one that gets tough the harder you are breathing because of how much it depends of your abdominal muscles to pull you upright, try to use the same load for sit up press as you choose for snatches.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

3:00 Row or Bike


7:00 AMRAP Quality

5 Banded pass through

10 Band pull a apart

10 Behing the neck band press (pull band a part as you press it up)

30 Single under or double under or single leg single unders, mix it up

10 Plank shoulder taps (keep midline as stable as possible)

Skills/ Capacity EMOM (Checkmark)

EMOTM x 10 minutes

Odd: 3-5 Wall Walk + Wall Facing

Even: :40 Double Under/ Triple Under practice

**Athletes should scale the odd minute to something that challenges their strength upside without taking them to failure. Scale with modified ROM on the wall walk. For the jump rope skills, challenge athletes to think outside of the box and attempt triple unders for those whom have reached solid mastery of the double under and those still working through double unders, what a great time to practice.

Bend, Snap, Press (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

20 Mountain Climbers (Left + Right = 1)

20 Alteranating DB Snatch (50/35lb.)

20 DB Sit Up Press (50/35lb.)

12:00 AMRAP

Scale loading so you know you can start the workout by doing touch and go reps of DB Snatch and 20 unbroken could happen if Coach asked you to.

The weighted DB Sit up should be done with the same weight you choose for snatches. Legs can be straight out in front of you or bent, upper back must touch the ground while elbows gently touch the ground as well at the bottom. At the top, torso should be perpendicular to the ground and arms locked with DB overhead.

DB Sit Up Press:

Cool Down (2 Rounds for reps)

1:00 max reps DB Hammer Curl (moderate load, keep quality form, alternate arms)

1:00 Rest

X 2 sets

*Note your weight used as well.