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WOD – Tue, Oct 24


Hinge and Bound! Today we start with barbell cycling skills. The goal is to start the first few minutes of the power clean work as sharp and light. Refine the skills and timing of the movement and use the ladder minutes to have a heavy weight that breeds some challenge for the 3 cycling reps. Conditioning portion should be scaled so that the barbel work can be done unbroken to start! When considering the scaling for the box jump over, try to stack plates or create some type of obstacle that allows you to try to completely jump over something even if it isn’t the RX’d height.

Warm up (Checkmark)

2:00 Pancake stretch on wall (


8 minute AMRAP for Quality

3 Inch Worm

6 Spiderman

8 Deadlift (empty barbell)

8 Hang Muscle Clean (empty barbell)

8 Lateral bar jump over


3 Clean grip deadlift

3 Touch and go power clean

3 sets building to start of emom weight


Power Clean (EMOTM x 10 minutes
3 Touch and Go power cleans

Athletes should start around 55% of their max and build when they see fit until the final 2-3 minutes where the load feels challenging and is perhaps close to a new 3rm.

Pressure Cooker (6 Rounds for reps)

Every 3:00 x 6

12 Deadlifts (135/95lb.)

10 No touch Box Jump Over (24/20’)

9 Hang Clean (135/95lb.)

For time.

Record all 6 interval scores! The goal is to attack each interval for time and get as much time to rest as possible.

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3-5:00 easy bike or walk