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WOD – Sat, Oct 21


Buy in and Buy out! Don’t worry folks today is a partner workout as usual, but a bit of a different flavor. We knock out some nasty conditioning to open and close this “Relay” around a fun and traditional couplet of Overhead squats and toes to bar. Pick a weight for overhead squats that allow you to attack overhead squats unbroken but with a challenge, the set up of the workout is so that a partner completes a full round while the other has complete rest.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

As a team:

Row 500 (1 person working at at time, total distance)

Run 400 (together)


3 Inch worm

5 PVC pass through

6 overhead Walking lunge

8 overhead squats

2 rounds


5:00 AMRAP

7 Push Up

7 KB Swing (light load)

7 Goblet Squat


“Relay” (Time)



300m Row

X 4 (each teammate must row a full 300/250m before next partner can begin and each partner row the distance 4 times.)


15 Overhead Squat (95/65lb.)

15 Toes to bar

6 rounds (each partner will execute 3 rounds, tagging off after 1 round is fully complete)


20 x 100m Runs

(10 each, partners tag off after each 100m Run (50m out and 50m back)

For time.



300m Row

X 4 (each teammate must row a full 300/250m before next partner can begin and each partner row the distance 4 times.)


15 Overhead Squat (75/55lb.)

15 Toes to bar/ Hanging leg raise

6 rounds (each partner will execute 3 rounds, tagging off after 1 round is fully complete)


20 x 100m Runs

(10 each, partners tag off after each 100m Run (50m out and 50m back)

For time.



300m Row

X 4 (each teammate must row a full 300/250m before next partner can begin and each partner row the distance 4 times.)


15 Overhead Squat (45/35lb.)

10 Hanging leg raise

4 rounds (each partner will execute 2 rounds, tagging off after 1 round is fully complete)


10 x 100m Runs

(5 each, partners tag off after each 100m Run (50m out and 50m back)

For time.