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WOD – Mon, Oct 2


Today the goal is simple, let’s build some strength! The goal is to really spend our first fruits of the week in working on maximizing the prescribed rep scheme for each left. This means as you build through the 3 sets of each prescribed movement you should build toward a “heavy” of the given rep scheme. This doesn’t mean you can only take 3 sets, but you should identify the 3 working sets you want to take. It’s ok to take smaller sets or a few reps to build to a comfortable load for the reps prescribed.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

3:00 aerobic warm up of athlete choice:


7 minute AMRAP (Always approach this for quality)

3 Inchworm

4 unweighted Turkish get up (2 each side)

5 Light weight KB Deadlift (between legs, 1 KB)

6 Goblet Squat (same load as above)

7 Russian KB Swing (same as above load)


Barbell skills and drills

3 Deadlift

3 Muscle Clean

3 Power Clean

3 Front Squat

3 squat Clean

2 rounds through (Coach lead preferably)


Get bars set and build up for your first working set of Deadlifts and GO!

Deadlift (Deadlift
Power Clean (Power clean
Squat Clean (1-1-1)