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WOD – Thu, Oct 19
 Nutrition Class Culinary Night
Thursday 19 October23 @ 7:15pm class
Bring your kitchen knives, cutting board and at least 2 types of vegetable's you enjoy. Ageless Men
Monday 23 October23 4:15 & 5:15pm classes.
Will have a table setup offering Free Evals + Free month of treatment promo for all athletes (Male /Female) who set up appointments with Letrono CF.


Shoulder free day today. We focus on building glutes and quads similar to tree trunks instead. Establishing a 10rm is a tricky but brings with it high hormone production, lactate production and force production which all create muscle growth! The conditioning today is centered around local muscle endurance and while it’s lifting and jumping and rowing can bring some amazing enhances to overall running enhancement due to the light load and repetitive nature.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

3:00 Bike or Row


:30 Pigeon stretch each leg

:30 Couch stretch each leg

10 Spiderman + Twist

10 Scorpion

2 rounds


Squat Therapy (medball + plates if needed, standing in front of a wall)

Have whole class execute 5 total reps slowly getting as closet to the wall as possible while reaching maximal depth!

Link: Squat Therapy


Practice light/ empty barbell reps and get ready for the 10rm below!

Back Squat (Back Squat
Establish a 10 rep max
Big focus here is to go as hard as possible while making it to 10 reps. In the time given, be wise how you prep, you don’t want to do any unnecessary big sets. Get moderate and small sets done
Heavy Legs (Time)


30 Goblet Squat (35/20lb.)

75 Double Unders

30/24 Cal Row

2:00 Rest

3 rounds for time.

Pacer: Sub 4:00 per round is the goal with the scaling version you take.


30 Goblet Squat (25/15lb.)

35 Double Unders OR 75 Ghost Double Under (no rope, jump and simulate arm spin)

30/24 Cal Row

2:00 Rest

3 rounds for time.

Pacer: Sub 4:00 per round is the goal with the scaling version you take.


30 Air Squat

50-75 Single Unders

20/15 Cal Row

2:00 Rest

3 rounds for time.

Pacer: Sub 4:00 per round is the goal with the scaling version you take.