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WOD – Fri, Oct 13


Today we build unilateral strength in our legs to start! Be aware that we want to load the body and challenge it for these lunges, but also it remains the priority to keep them very high quality. Focus on a solid base, accuracy of your steps to sustain balance and controlling your back knee to the floor for full ROM. Then we simly “Do work” for conditioning today. The list of movements prescribed is simple which should naturally bring a sense of fear to your heart and mind. Simple doesn’t mean easy and it often leads to the greatest physical test of the mind and overall conditioning level. Today is a solid grind of movements, not short enough to be attack too fast but not long enough to be a stroll in the park! Have fun!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

3:00 Bike, Row, Ski (your choice)


1:00 pigeon stretch each leg

1:00 Couch stretch each leg


5 minute AMRAP (quality)

10 light KB Swing (Russian)

10 Hollow Rock

10 Walking lunge (unweighted)


Set up for strength work!

Back Rack Lunge (Weight)

Back Rack Lunge


Every 2:00 x 4 sets execute 10 step back lunges, 5 each leg.

*Be sure all these today are working sets. Keep the rate of perceived exertion around 80% of what you COULD do for 10 reps. We want these to be challenging but never sloppy due to the nature of where the load is on the body and getting the trail leg down to the ground.

Escape from Jason (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

RX Conditioning:

1:00 Dead hang from pull up rig

100ft. Empty sled push

400m Run

100ft. Farmer Carry (70/53lb.)

24:00 AMRAP



:30 Dead hang from pull up rig

100ft. Empty sled push

400m Run

100ft. Farmer Carry (53/35lb.)

24:00 AMRAP


:30 Inverted Ring hang (supine, feet on floor, arms extended)

100ft. Empty sled push

200m Run

100ft. Farmer Carry (15/10lb.)

1:00 Rest

24:00 AMRAP