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WOD – Thu, Oct 12


Yesterday was a bruiser, today we save the legs and attack the upper body. This is a long chipper that will have many limitations for many different athletes. Local muscle stamina and endurance is often one that limits us on long, high volume chippers such as this. Today is a touch different because you get to attack this however you want! That means once the workout begins your only responsibility is to get the work done but you choose how and in what order or how many rounds and reps of each you want to accomplish as you go. You may choose and even 10 reps of each for 5 rounds. Or it could be completely random! The key here is good scaling. Know that we want you to get stronger in these movements, don’t scale to assistance or versions that make them “easy” this won’t make you strong, challenge yourself and get out in the time cap with all the work done. Be open to starting with more difficult versions of something and having the option to add assistance as you go!


Warm up (Checkmark)

8 minute AMRAP

10/7 Cal Row

10 Banded pull a parts

10/7 Cal Bike

10 Banded pull a parts (overhead)

:30 Plank hold


5-10 reps of each movement to demo practice and scaling choices for the WOD!

Big Swoll (Time)

RX Conditioning:

“Big Swoll”

50 V Up

50 Ring Dip

50 Russian Twist (45/25lb. plate)

50 Strict Chin Up

50 Hand release Push Up

50 Ring Row (RX= feet on box equal height to rings, hip stays open, strict pull)

For time

*Anyhow work! Today you can attack this chipper anyway you want to break it up!

Time cap: 30:00


“Big Swoll”

50 V Up

50 Ring Dip (banded)

50 Russian Twist (25/15lb. plate)

50 Strict Chin Up (banded)

50 Hand release Push Up (Kneeling)

50 Ring Row (Feet on floor, more upright)

*Anyhow work! Today you can attack this chipper anyway you want to break it up!

Time cap: 30:00


“Big Swoll”

50 Sit Up

50 Ring Dip (leg supported, keep feet on floor)

50 Russian Twist (Unweighted, hands to floor)

50 Strict Chin Up (Jumping/ leg supported)

50 Wall Push Up (Kneeling)

50 Ring Row (Feet on floor, more upright)

*Anyhow work! Today you can attack this chipper anyway you want to break it up!

Time cap: 30:00

**A reduction in rep volume should also be considered for baseline athletes, perhaps 30 reps of each.

Finisher (Checkmark)

3 rounds for quality of:

1:00 each bike

Alternating Hammer Curl x 24 (12 each arm)

Standing single arm overhead Tricep extension x 12 each arm


Come drop in.
1754 S 750 W
Syracuse, UT 84075

T: 801-620-0595

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