Today is a day! Many weeks include a day that is more pacing based or lower overall on the intensity side, but not today. For variance sake, we are bringing the heavy weight, the high skill and the intensity. Refine the squat snatch today and get in quality reps as the reps are higher that build confidence for heavier loads as the reps lessen throughout the strength portion. Can today be a PR day?! As for conditioning, load the bar with something challenging for you but that allows you to split each round of deadlifts in no more than 2-3 sets. The goal is for the barbell work to be heavy and hard but for the jump rope to take up most of the time in the workout itself. Burn it down and spin the rope!
3:00 Bike or Row
7 minute AMRAP (for quality)
20 Single Unders or Double Unders
3 Inch worms
5 Scap Pull Up (rig)
5 Scap Push Up (top of push up)
5 Snatch grip deadlift
5 Behind the neck snatch grip strict press
On Coaches Cue:
3 Snatch grip Deadlift + Shrug
3 muscle snatch
3 overhead Squat
3 hang Squat Snatch
Establish starting weight for strength!
RX Conditioning:
Double Under
Deadlift (275/185lb.)
For time.
Time cap:
9 minutes
Double Under
Deadlift (225/155lb.)
For time.
Time cap:
9 minutes
Single Under
Deadlift (185/125lb.)
For time.
Time cap:
9 minutes
Squat Snatch
Every 2:00 x 8 (16:00 total)
Execute 1 set of the prescribed reps above. Progressively build in load, and treat each rep as a single repetition, reset and execute 1 at a time. The goal today is to build to the heaviest single possible.