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WOD – Wed, Sep 6


Today we work in intervals. The value here is to really be able to push intensity and also learn self awareness and pacing strategies. The load prescribed for shoulder to overhead a touch heavier than a traditional 135/95lb. But it shouldn’t be heavy enough to need multiple sets to get to the prescribed reps. Be sure to refine the “Push jerk” today prior to the WOD as it is a movement that allows for much more pressing capacity than a push press or a split jerk (slower cycle rate). If you struggle with that movement, it’s exactly why you need it and the practice. Athletes should scale today to be able to be doing toes to bar for a minimum of :40.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

2:00 jump skills and play


5 hip down push up

10 kneeling trunk rotation (5 each)

5 Pike push up

2 rounds for quality


20 double Under or single under

5 Push Up

5 V Up

5 Kipping Swing

3 rounds for quality


3 Strict press

3 Push press

3 Push jerk

6 lateral bar jumps (side to side over bar)

3-6 Toes to bar

3 rounds for quality


(5 minutes)

Push jerk practice with coach!

Skills and Drills (AMRAP – Reps)

:20 Double Under (if they don’t have them, nows the time to practice and struggle/ learn)

:20 Rest

4 rounds

**The WOD is where DU should be scaled, consider jumping over bar laterally, it stimulates the bound more than single unders. Even double or triple single unders doesn’t create the same work or similar work to double unders be mindful of scaling to that too often.

Fury Kick (AMRAP – Reps)

RX Conditioning

2:00 AMRAP/ 1:00 off x 5 sets

10 Shoulder to overhead (155/105lb.)

35 Double Under

Max toes to bar

*Score is the total number of toes to bar accumulated through all 5 sets.

**Scale the work volume to allow for :40 of toes to bar time each round at minimum.



2:00 AMRAP/ 1:00 off x 5 sets

10 Shoulder to overhead (125/85lb.)

20 Double Under (scale volume, keep movement if possible)

Max toes to bar



2:00 AMRAP/ 1:00 off x 5 sets

10 Shoulder to overhead (95/65lb.)

:30 Jump rope skills/ drills

Max hanging leg raise or V up version

Cool Down (Checkmark)

Dumbbell Hammer Curl


Dumbbell Tricep Extension

3×15 (each arm)

Rest as needed.