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WOD – Mon, Sep 4


No better way to start the week! Let’s see what we’ve got! These reps today can be touch and go! Be sure the class is prepped and warm enough to make set 1 a working set! Start heavy, stay heavy mentality as this is how we build pure strength. The work that takes place after each set is meant to challenge athletes in a different way. Note the jumps should not be “risky” jumps but should be just under max effort for the athletes, 1 at a time here, no rush on the jumps. The V ups are meant to build midline strength and stamina and also challenge the deadlift as our muscles around our spine fatigue!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

3:00 Row or Bike


20 Jumping Jack

10 Alternating Lunge

5 Inch worm + Push Up

5 Low box jump + Step down

6:00 AMRAP for quality


5 Empty barbell Deadlift

3 Tuck jump (jump high, pull knee’s up into chest)

2 rounds


Build deadlift load to where your first working set will be.

Deadlift (Deadlift
*3 High box jumps + 20 V up after each set.
Rest 3:00 after each set of V ups.

Start at 80% 1rm Deadlift and build as you go. Start heavy, stay heavy mentality.

Cool Down (Checkmark)

2:00 easy bike


50 Light KB Swing (meant to pump blood to the posterior and enhance the ability to recover) these should be so light you can do 50 unbroken with, taking breaks is ok, but it should be THAT light.