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WOD – Sat, Sep 2


Team work makes the dream work. What better way to finish a tough week of training than to suffer with a friend? In teams of 2 attack this 22:00 AMRAP, but the bad news is that you never get “down time”. The goal is to get as many calories on the erg as you can. In order to sustain a high power output you have to rotate pretty often, and this is where you need to stay motivate to move quickly when you are the one working through the other work, so you can spell your teammate quickly.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

*7:00 of dodgeball (soft bounce ball at the affiliate? Play a bit)


Simon says (CrossFit style)

*1 leader, just like as a kid, but you demo the movements you want and the faster you go, the more confusion you can create.


25ft. Forward bearcrawl

25ft. Backward bearcrawl

25ft. lateral bear crawl

25ft. Lateral bear crawl opposite side


10 Reverse lunge step + over head reach (5 each)

5 no push up burpee

5 Single arm KB Swing each side

3 Lateral swing each way (

Tap In, Tap Out (Calories)

RX Conditioning

22:00 AMRAP

50 ft walking lunge

20 mountain climber (10 each side)

10 Lateral KB swing (5 each) (53/35) (

1 partner works through 1 complete round while other partner accumulated as many calories on the tower or bike as possible.

*Although the Lateral KB is inherently simple, it is a new movement to many. It’s important to focus on this with everyone to make sure they are safe and comfortable. The value here is lateral power transfer something often overlooked in barbell training.


22:00 AMRAP

50 ft walking lunge

20 mountain climber (10 each side)

10 Lateral KB swing around head (5 each)(35/25)

1 partner works through 1 complete round while other partner accumulated as many calories on the tower or bike as possible.



22:00 AMRAP

25 ft walking lunge

16 mountain climber (8 each side)

8 Lateral KB swing around head (4 each)

1 partner works through 1 complete round while other partner accumulated as many calories on the tower or bike as possible.