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WOD – Fri, Sep 1


Today it’s a complex stimulus. We train strength, we train cardio, we train stamina, but did you also know we train skills, agility, balance, accuracy, coordination and we hit them all today! The strength complex will challenge ones ability to cycle loads that are perceive as heavy and it becomes quite metabolically challenging as we enter the back half of the EMOM. The Conditioning today should be a challenge for even the fittest amongs your affiliate. The loading should be one that regulates all to quick singles and similar can be said about the bar muscle up. Looking at the work ahead of you, you should feel good about being able to do the prescribed 6 reps per round in under a minute time.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

20 Jumping Jack

20 Seal Jack

3 inch worm

6 Lunges

9 Air Squat

:20 Dead hang from pull up bar

3 rounds


3 empty barbell deadlift

3 muscle clean

3 front squat

3 Kipping swings

3 Pull ups or ring rows

3 Push up

2 rounds


1 Clean pull

1 Power Clean

1 Squat Clean

1-3 bar muscle up

2 rounds


7 minutes to load barbell for complex to begin, and also practice bar muscle ups/ decide what appropriate skills can be done as a scale.

Clean Complex (Weight)

Clean complex

1x clean pull

1x power clean

1x squat clean

Every minute on the minute execute this complex for 10 sets

Start at an RPE (rate of perceived exertion of 12/20) build as you go.

Have your area set with some weights for increasing to account for time efficiency.

Up and Over (Time)

RX Conditioning

3 squat clean (185/125lb.)

3 bar muscle up

10 rounds for time


3 squat clean (135/95.)

3 bar muscle up (scale volume first, banded or jumping)

10 rounds for time



3 hang squat clean (75/55)

3 push up

3 ring row or pull up

10 rounds for time