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WOD – Wed, Aug 30


Today’s focus surrounds a lot of athletic development. We train functional movements in the gym often, but the biggest application to real life use for them is in sprinting and jumping. If we don’t flex this capacity often or try to build it, we lose it quickly. We want to reserve the ability to evade or run toward danger when needed or asked of us, this is how we stay ready. Be mindful of your experience with these movements, if it has been a while since you’ve run FAST, dial back intensity and live to sprint another day, be gracious with your body so that we can continue to focus on this style of training consistently, you’ll notice body comp changes and capacity in other modalities when you can stick with sprinting regularly.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

400m easy run


*Look at skills and drills portion below for warm up prep, keep it dynamic.

Skills and drills

Pose running practice.

  • high knees
  • Butt kickers
  • A skip (
  • B skip (
  • Lateral shuffle (each way x 2)
  • Power skip (
Power / Athletic development  (4 Rounds for reps)

15 yrd. Sled sprint (2x45lb. Men/ 2x 25lb. Women)

X 4 sets, rest as needed between.

*The loads should be scaled to something that is, dependent on surface, promoting speed not sticky, slow pushes.

Runner’s World (Time)

RX Conditioning

Every 2:00 x 10 rounds run 200m

*record all 10 efforts, your SLOWEST effort is your score.


Every 2:00 x 8 run 200m record all 8 efforts and your slowest is your score.


Every 2:00 x 10 run 100m record all 10 efforts and your slowest score is your score for the day.

Sub running for rowing 200m if low impact is needed.

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3×12 Tib Raise (

Superset with

3×30 Sprinter Sit up (