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WOD – Fri, Aug 25


Lot’s of pressing today! Intention here is to build up Bench press quality and strength. Tempo’s help strengthen the body but under lesser load and are also the catalyst to more upper body durability and strong connective tissue. While the reps are under tempo, this doesn’t mean they should be easy at all!

For the conditioning today athletes should aim to push the run paces knowing that while work awaits them, it is in the supine position laying down on the bench where their heart rate will stabilize a bit. Lot’s of local muscle endurance can be the result of today’s training if attacked right.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

400m easy run


5 PVC pass through

15 banded face pull

15 banded pull a part

5 Push Up (if you can do clap push up, show it off)

10 Lateral line jump overs (find a line, jump over and back FAST 10X)

2 rounds


Set up bench press with empty barbell.

Class should lay down and set up so coach can count proper tempo and watch class move through warm up sets. Then give them a chance to build up to their first working load.

Bench Press (Barbell Bench Press
Every 3:00 x 5 sets execute 5 reps with a 4 count down + 2 count pause on chest + normal press tempo.

This will be done with a lighter load, the tempo is designed to create muscular density and strengthen connective tissue. All )

Forrest Schwarzenegger (Time)

RX Conditioning

800m Run

30 DB Bench Press (50/35lb.)

3 rounds for time.

Goal time: 20:00 and below.

24:00 Time cap

Today this is a big running and horizontal focus. The goal is for the running on average to take you under 4:30 and the bench to be able to be attacked in 3 sets max per round. If you consider the loading heavy for 15 unbroken reps it’s too heavy today. Better to scale back, go fast and burn rubber.


600m Run

30 DB Bench Press (40/25lb.)

3 rounds for time.


400m Run

20 DB Bench Press (35/20lb.)

3 rounds for time.

Cool Down/ Pump Show (Checkmark)

10-12 Ring Row

12 Barbell Curl

3 supersets for quality, not speed nor load.

Finish feeling good, pump blood to areas we didn’t stress today to create balance.