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WOD – Thu, Aug 24


Today has a big emphasis on barbell cycling. This will enhance not just strength, but accuracy, coordination, balance, endurance, stamina and power. The goal is for athletes to build in load throughout each set, this will elicit a bit of a conditioning element as well, warn them ahead of time. On the conditioning it will be important for athletes to scale in such a way that they can manage the load, yet allow it to be a challenge over the summation of the workout, not out the gate. The volume of the gymnastics gets high through the finish, help athletes keep that in mind as they select the appropriate number for them.

Warm up (Checkmark)

:30 Row/ :30 rest x 4 (share the rower, build intensity each round)


:30 banded tricep stretch from rig each arm

:30 banded lat stretch from rig each arm

1 round


1-2 Wall Walk (full or partial)

5 kipping swing (rig)

3-5 toes to bar

2 rounds


3 empty barbell deadlift

3 muscle clean

3 power clean

3 push press

3 push jerk

3 rounds through (1 round at a time, coach should cue class through 1 full round before letting them move through on their own.


Build to the opening set, have athletes show you 2-3 touch and go reps with their opening weights.

Power Clean + Push Jerk (7 Rounds for reps)

Every 2:00 x 7 Sets execute 5 Touch and go power clean and Push Jerk. The goal today is to start around 12/20 RPE and build throughout the sets. Our ultimate goal is to make the final 2 sets to be as heavy as possible as we record our heaviest set for the day! This strength work is categorically “light to moderate” because of how many reps are prescribed here in touch and go format, but it will elicit strength and power gains when attacked with effort!

Under Blunder (Time)

RX Conditioning

5 Squat Clean (165/115lb.)

5 Wall Walk

15 Toes to bar

5 rounds for time.


From a loading and skill work perspective this workout should be able to be done with touch and go reps if Coach asked you to see some. But you don’t need to attack with touch and go reps in order to have the fastest time of the day. Wall walks should be something you know you can accomplish in under 1:00 and same with toes to bar.

Goal time: 15:00 or faster.

18:00 Time Cap.


5 Squat Clean (135/95lb.)

4 Wall Walk

12 Toes to bar

5 rounds for time.



5 Squat Clean (95/65lb.)

3 Wall Walk

15 Hanging leg raise

5 rounds for time.

Cool Down (Checkmark)

1:00 pancake stretch

1:00 pigeon stretch each side

:30 Cobra stretch (hip down push up)


Come drop in.
1754 S 750 W
Syracuse, UT 84075

T: 801-620-0595

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